September 9, 2012

Dear Diary...My Thrifty Purse Organizer

I was meandering through Ikea yesterday and came across a whole new section of travel goodies & accessories. They have a fabulous selection ranging from carry-ons to travel pillows. What caught my interest where their travel toiletry bags.

Pretty neat, huh?
I thought so too...they come in 5 colors, mine is the dark grey:  UPPTÄCKA Toiletries Bag

At first I thought this would make a great new make-up bag (I just might go back for a second!) But then I realized it would make a neat purse organizer. I've seen those cool products that you can organize all your stuff in & then transfer to any purse, just never felt like spending the $$ on one. But THIS I could definitely handle! And looking down into my purse...I realized I had no arguement NOT to get it...I'm a little embarrassed at my mess:

Let me tell you-BEST $5 I ever spent at Ikea! In about 5 minutes my purse went from the hot mess above, to this perfectly organized wonder! (I swear I hear angels sing every time I open my purse now).

If you've got an Ikea close to you, I highly recommend hopping on over & picking one of these up! Heck, it would make an awesome gift too! Fill it with a few goodies (lip gloss, lotion, etc) wrapped up with a pretty ribbon & you've got Christmas covered for your girlfriends!